Many students living in the residential buildings make two important discoveries: first, they have more individual freedom than before; and second, the intense academic demands and shared living arrangements require more self-control and individual discipline than ever before.
Attachments are NOT permitted on the ceiling, beds, or sprinkler heads (including tape, string, stickers, privacy sheets, or curtains). Room entrance doors are to remain free of all unauthorized materials. This includes dry erase boards, decorations, and pictures. All rooms must have a fire exit chart provided by the College on the back of the room entrance door. The chart must not be covered.
collegerules -Good thing you have glasses free
We realize this is an unwelcome interruption in your life, and we appreciate your cooperation in the inspection of your room. If you have any questions, please feel free to call, email, or stop by your Area Coordinators Office. You may also contact the Physical Plant Office at 352-8318, if you have questions.
Registered Events must have a designated Sober Host who is a resident of the assigned area. Sober hosts must abide by the sober host expectations including being present at all times for the duration of the event and being substance free for at least eight hours prior to the start of the event.
In an effort to effectively convey information of importance to the University community, and at the same time to keep the campus free from litter, the following guidelines have been established for the posting within and outside of residential communities:
If you have questions about whether something is allowed, please contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at While we do not require any furniture you bring to be flame-retardant, you should do everything to ensure your room is as risk-free as possible.
For example, suppose the Republican party nominated for their national ticket a pair of candidates who both hailed from the state of Nevada. If the Republican ticket received the most popular votes in that state in the general election, Nevada's electors could not cast ballots for both candidates -- for at least one of the two offices (presumably vice-president), each of Nevada's electors would have to vote for someone off the ticket who was not a resident of Nevada. Republican electors in every state other than Nevada, however, would be free to vote for both candidates.
Our campus offers affordable traditional styled, suite styled, and apartment-styled residence halls. All have wireless internet and cable TV access. Washer and dryer usage is free, and for security purposes all halls have video surveillance. Our traditional and suite styled buildings require card access as an additional safety feature.
We feel certain that we can provide comfort and convenience for you as you pursue your education at Northwest. Should you have questions regarding Housing and Residence Life, feel free to contact us at
What if I change my mind as to my roommate or residence hall choice?The housing office understands that different things will occur that will affect a student to change their mind as to their residence hall preferences or requested roommate. The housing office will do their best to honor requests made prior to June 1st. Any requests made after June 1st, will be honored when possible. The most effective way to communicate these changes is via email to The student should state their name, the change that they are requesting, and a contact phone number (should the office have any questions).
As unusual as it is to have a board member sue ex-trustees and to see back-to-back presidencies ending mysteriously, the current debate seems to be upsetting more people at DuPage because it speaks directly to what goes on in the classrooms and on campus every day. "This is really an attempt by the board to gain complete control over everything," said Glenn Hansen, a professor of photography who is president of the College of DuPage Faculty Association, a unit of the National Education Association.
That document, framed as a measure to protect academic freedom, is widely viewed by professors as an attack on their autonomy because of its call for faculty members to expose students to a wide variety of views on most topics and its implication that there is a widespread problem of faculty members punishing job candidates or students whose political views differ from their own. Faculty groups say that the measure would lead to professors constantly looking over their shoulders, make it impossible for them to express strong views, and force them to include conservative interpretations of everything or face criticism for not doing so.
LoMonte, noting that the proposed new rule directly followed comments from board members about critical coverage, said that the newspaper would have little legal difficulty showing that it was being punished for exercising its free speech -- and that such punishment would likely be found to violate the First Amendment. 2ff7e9595c