didn't see this on the list, thought it would be of interest to many.---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Jamal Mazrui Date: Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 10:59 AMSubject: Sharing material from the "Developing with Accessibility" (DevAcc)eventTo: WAI Interest Group Developing with Accessibility was a unique, two-day event hosted by a U.S.Government agency. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) offeredhigh quality training sessions for developers, collaborative codingprojects, and professional networking opportunities. The objective hasbeen to promote the concept and practice of developing mobile apps and websites according to accepted accessibility guidelines, thereby maximizingtheir usability for everyone, including people with disabilities.I have posted slides and links from DevAcc atwww.devacc.infoIt is a simple WordPress site with a separate post for each presentation atthe event, including overview, presenter bio(s), and slides (usuallyPowerPoint or PDF files for download). There are also posts forDevAcc-related efforts shared by the community, as well as links to mediastories about DevAcc. The posts are simply in the sequence of their entry,not chronology or importance.Below is a copy of a web post that may be of particular interest:information about video recordings of the presentations.Regards,JamalFrom the web page **11/21/video-recordings-of-**developing-with-accessibility/
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